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Purple Hoodie

Purple Hoodie

In the past, hoodies were just warm-up items, but as time passes, it's also a style icon and is very popular with all generations. It goes well with jeans and t-shirts of all kinds and this outfit looks trendy too.

Hoodie comes in different designs, weights and colors. Like every other outfit, hoodies have different styles. Here we have worked out the fashion of the hoodies.

Pullover Hoodie:

This type of hoodie comes without a zipper and some come with a different closure on the front, so it's called a sweater. It also comes in different weights from easy to heavy. Shoppers can also shop without sleeves with or without pockets. Usually it comes in a single pocket on the front.

-Front Zip Hoodie:

Purple hoodie with front zipper is lightweight and comfortable. The zipper runs from the top to the end of the zip hoodie. The dressing and undressing is very easy, without confusing the hair. Hoodies with front zipper are also available without sleeves.

Quarter Hoodie:

Quarter-zip hoodies are the middle ground for hoodie pull-on and front zip. It is available in overdraft style and has a zipper that is very short at the front and extends to the collar, so you can easily tear down the neckline.

– Sleeveless Hoodie:

Sleeveless hoodies are more popular with men than women. However, women in purple hoodie look great. It can also be worn in warm weather. Sometimes sleeveless hoodies can be worn undressed underneath. In winter, people wear shirts or T-shirts underneath.

Consumers used to only wear hoodies for sports and exercise, but lately this has become a fashion statement. Many manufacturers jumped in hoodies. Consumers can enjoy it as it is very comfortable and stylist outfit.

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